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3er. Seminario de Microeconomía Heterodoxa

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Call for Papers

The community of teachers and researchers from national and international universities are invited to participate in this seminar by sending individual papers or panels formed with specific issues related to heterodox microeconomics perspective.


The global economic and financial crisis has led to strong questioning of the underlying and supporting economic policy and macroeconomic theory; however in this international discussion it is also important to critically analyze microeconomic theory: it supports the macroeconomics and economic policy implemented in different countries. From both a theoretical and applied point of view, the overall theme of reflection in this conference is the area of Microeconomics.

In the colleges and universities in Mexico and the world, teachers and researchers are committed to reflecting and processing our teaching experience and  microeconomics research, expressed in a continuous review of the content and methods of teaching. For this reason we wish to invite academics, researcher and policy experts to contribute essays and papers focused on teaching Microeconomics and Pluralism.

The plurality gives rise to a knowledge that transcends the monopoly of a partial vision of the world and its functioning; it offers alternatives for students, so the specialist in economy can think and choose among different ways of understanding economic processes, and select the most appropriate. The plurality in the content and teaching of microeconomics among other qualities, allows developing research capabilities and knowledge of the students we are educating in our universities. In this 4th SMH, we are looking to debate the monopoly of neoclassical microeconomics.

I. Themes

The 4th SMH is address to all the traditional areas of theoretical, applied, and policy research covered by heterodox approaches to microeconomics.

This year we especially encourage papers or panel proposals in the:

Pluralism and microeconomic education

Submissions of individual abstracts or panel proposals along other themes are welcomed:

 II. A theme proposal should provide:

Deadline for abstracts: September 30th, 2012

Authors will be notified by a letter of acceptance (or not) to the seminar 48 hours after receiving the proposal, so it is encouraged to  send  your abstract  as soon as possible.

III. The papers must have the following characteristics:

Dead line for papers: October 22th, 2012.


Online submission:

The Faculty of Economics will fund the event, but registration is $10 Dollars.

And the cost of dinner is 30 dollars to be paid at the time of registration.