
Full program of conferences
Semester 2021-2

Lecture title´s
24.02.21 Barry Naughton
(Global Policy and Strategy, UC)
The Rise of China´s Industrial Policy 1978 to 2020 1
  • Manuel Pérez García
    (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

  • Antonio Ibarra Romero
  • Global History with Chinese Characteristics. Autocratic States along the Silk Road in the Decline of the Qing and Spanish Empires, 1680-1796 1
    24.03.21 Luis Hernández
    (La Jornada)
    Mexico and China: historical and current Maoism in Mexico
    07.04.21 Enrique Dussel Peters
    China OFDI Monitor in LAC 2021 and Chinese Infrastructure Monitor in LAC 2021 1
    21.04.21 Jenny Acosta
    (Instituto Confucio en la UNAM)
    Confucius Institute at UNAM: conditions and challenges 1
    05.05.21 Wolfram Welsner
    (University of Bremen)
    Why and How is China the New Number One? 1
    19.05.21 Pablo Aguirre
    (Red Global Mx y True Selection International Trading (Tiajin)).
    8 aspects to consider for SMEs before entering the Chinese market 1
    02.06.21 Ari Ben Saks Mexico and China: promotion of business exchange
    14.06.21- 16.06.21 Fifth International Seminar of the LAC-China
    "Latin America and the Caribbean and China: conditions and challenges in the 21st century"
    30.06.21 Eugenio Anguiano Roch
    The Communist Party of China in its 100 years/th> 1

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