Mission and goals

The China-Mexico Center of Studies known in Spanish as CECHIMEX (Centro de Estudios China-México) has the following objectives:

The spirit and the starting point of the CECHIMEX is a joint tripartite view between academic, private and public sectors for the analysis of the proposed topics.

Enhance, deepen and coordinate the long-term cooperation between Chinese and Mexican academic institutions, as well to enable bilateral exchange and knowledge through research visits of Chinese students and scholars in Mexico, and Mexicans in China.

To support studies, analysis and curriculum development of undergraduate, master and doctorate students, as well to link initiatives with the private and public sectors.

To present studies, analyses and proposals on the China-Mexico socioeconomic relationship from the fields of knowledge mentioned above.

To add the existing institutional and individual efforts, both in the UNAM and other private, public and academic institutions in Mexico; as well with a number of experts on the relationship with China and Mexico; the Cechimex seeks to join these efforts, respect and recognize them to concentrate analysis and results.

To create a bibliographic and statistical repertory that the academic community, the private and public sectors can have access to.

Look for the UNAM to reach bilateral agreements with other research centers in China in order to promote the knowledge of China and its various languages in Mexico; the link with the CEPE (Center for Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language) and the CELE (Center for Teaching Foreign Languages) from the UNAM, is a very important one in this regard.

To create a network of researchers, public servants, companies and business associations on the issues mentioned above.